Friday, March 20, 2009

Update on Ragg

I've been questing in the Ghostlands lately. Using Tom-Tom and Tourguide I have been leveling so much more quickly and still had time to get some exploring in. I'm up to level 18 now.

Last night I was going to do the quest "Taking back Windspire" or something like that and I ran across an Undead Shaman who was level 12. She was about 6 levels under everything else and I told her I'd run with her to help with some quests. Here I am leading the charge with Bohr, my boar, and taking down mobs left and right when I stop looking where I'm going and fall down the side of the spire. That used to happen in RFD also. Why can't I just look where I'm going and stop falling? Well one or two mobs I can take but I aggro'd three to four mobs (I lost count) and died. I was so embarrassed.

I'm doing these quests so quickly and leveling so fast I barely have time to go back to a hunter trainer and update my training. I miss having all of my options from my old hunter. I just don't miss playing an Ally.

Oh well, I've been keeping up with some blogs lately. Of course BRK is a must read for any hunter, but I just picked up a new call Ramblings of a Misguided Hunter. It seems fun. I look forward to keeping up with it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Where did everyone go?

So the friends that I made on one of my last log ins have disappeared. They're still in my buddylist I just haven't seen them on in awhile. Regardless I'm still having fun with WoW and leveling has been super quick. I'm averaging about a level every half hour that I get to log in.

After finishing all the starting quests upto level 12 my guide advised me to fly over to the Eastern Kingdoms and level for awhile in the Ghostlands. The last time I was in the Ghostlands was when I rolled a Belf Hunter and decided to try and corpse hop to the Undercity. (Yeah this was before I found out about the teleportation orb) and got as far as a few yards into the Eastern Plaguelands died a few dozen times and then turned around and died a few more dozen times trying to run back out. I really believe that I aggro'd everything in the Eastern Plaguelands.

Oh well, if you happen to get on the Hydraxis server say "Hi" to Ragg.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 2 of Ragg

I only had about half an hour yesterday to get and play. I saw one of my work friends on and said "Hi" to him to let him know about my new character. He asked what level was up to, which was about 2 bubbles into level 9. He logged off and came back about 20 minutes later. I worked on some of the quests in Durotar and by the time he got back on I was a couple of bubbles into level 10!

I love the add-ons I picked up. Tourguide, Tom-tom, and Lightheaded rock!

This evening, if I get a chance, I'm going to start my professions and pick up auctioneer. I'm going to go for mining and skinning.

Wish me luck!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ragg's first outing

So yesterday (March the 1st) I rolled a new toon on the Hydraxis server. Honestly this is not my first Horde character, but the fun I'm having with this one reminds me of my Alliance character. Ragg's class is hunter and he is a Troll. The add-ons I'm using are: Tom-tom, Lightheaded, and Tourguide.

So, I finally am starting to see what people have told me about the Horde. Like how they are willing to help each other and not as uptight as Alliance characters. Honestly my time as an Alliance character wasn't all that bad. I met some really cool people. I have many friends at work that play, of course, and they all play Horde so I thought I'd roll a toon with them.

I haven't caught any of them on yet but as I was roaming around doing some low level quests I was running beside this Orc warrior who invited me to group so we would end up going after each other's kill. He and I ended up playing for another hour doing random quests. I had a blast and he is definately on my friend list now.

This is my first toon without the default name I give to all of my characters and it is refreshing. All I can say is I'm looking forward to playing like I did when I first signed up. I want to end this blog with one thought, "For the Horde!"